Destination: BERGAMA
Destination: BERGAMA


Destination: BERGAMA, Turkey – February 2024

Alessandro Luraghi and Fiona Lowton took part in a week’s course co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and accompanied by Senem Almuradova, the group leader.

The course, Healthy Steps to Digitalization, involved 3 groups from 3 different countries: Italy, Poland and Macedonia.
The groups were hosted by the Bergamali Kadri Anatolian Imam Hatip Highscool where the participants worked together, each group presenting a different aspect of digitalization.
They also interacted with students discovering the reality, both didactic and personal, of a highschool in Turkey.
The groups were welcomed with great enthusiasm and the school excelled in both its culinary and scholastic presentation.
This collaboration meant, for everyone involved, broadening their personal and professional horizons, comparing and contrasting teaching methods and technology and above all learning something new to bring back to their own classroom.

It was not all work and no play, the groups were able to discover the rich and varied history, landscapes and cultural heritage of the area with guided tours.

A wonderful experience of sharing and learning in an stimulating international context, where working together helped to make everyone a better teacher and a better person.
